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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Dairy Producer Johne's Disease Survey

    researchers have helped to design the survey. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete and is ...

  2. About OSU Extension

    Ohio State University Extension brings the knowledge of the university directly to you. We fulfill the land-grant mission of The Ohio State University by interpreting knowledge and research developed by Extension and other faculty and staff at the Ohio Ag ...

  3. Wayne County Dairy Farm Manure Storage Survey

    typical manure application timing.  Additionally, some information about the degree of financial hardship ... it back.  Questions about the manure survey project can be directed to Ohio University student ...

  4. Be Food Safe This Summer

    fever, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea (often bloody).  The illness can last about a week.  So, what can ...

  5. Milk Price Outlook

    the Federal Orders. November milk prices should be about $.40 per cwt. above October prices. December ...

  6. Culling Decisions

    developing a culling order specifically for your farm.  To begin, it is best to think about which cow(s) in ...

  7. Rations for Good Rumen Health

    called rumination). Dairy cows spend about 10 hours/day chewing. Besides being the major source of ... closely approximate the ADF to NDF ratio of alfalfa (about 30:40) than corn silage (28% ADF and 51% NDF) ... feed grain about four times per day if there is a lot of rapidly degradable starch (e.g., finely ground ...

  8. 2005 Average Milk Production for Ohio Dairy Herds by Breed

    of breeds. Information about the programs provided by the DHI Cooperative, Inc. in Ohio is provided ...

  9. Corn Silage Harvest Timing

    silage that is slightly too wet. So if you are uncertain about the DM content, it is usually better to ... used to roughly predict the proper time to chop corn silage. How to Sample Fields Collect about ... kernel milk-line) for conventional tower or bunker silos. Full dent stage happens about 40 days after ...

  10. North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge

    colleges across the U.S. and Canada attended this educational event. These students are training for ...
