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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-14

    within 3 weeks after the initial planting, yield potential is about 10% greater if you tear up the field ... survival. Yields will be about the same whether or not these delayed plants are buried during cultivation. ... lots of discussions about the plant-health benefit of fungicide application in corn, and this year is ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-25

    yellow objects on the roots about the size of a pinhead, much smaller than the nitrogen fixing nodules. ... confirm an SCN infestation it cannot tell you much about the level of infestation, if no nematodes are ... general, the reports were about the relative lack of soybean aphids. However, late in the week, we got ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-25

    yellow objects on the roots about the size of a pinhead, much smaller than the nitrogen fixing nodules. ... confirm an SCN infestation it cannot tell you much about the level of infestation, if no nematodes are ... general, the reports were about the relative lack of soybean aphids. However, late in the week, we got ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-21

    2 weeks in Kentucky to determine if any rust was established. The inoculum in the US is very, very, very ... weeks of August – to see if Dennis brought us any rust. It takes 5 to 10 days for lesions to form, but ... US, this year (2005), this really has not developed. It’s like starting a camp fire, you need a lot of ...

  5. Twisted Wheat: Cold temperatures or herbicide damage?

    Temperature Damage.   Three things to consider about a freeze event: How cold was it? How long was it cold? ...

  6. Wheat Flowering Growth Stage

    Ohio. Depending on the weather and the variety, flowering usually occurs about 3-5 days after full head ...

  7. 2015 Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference

    plastic-wrapped bales. In the afternoon, four producers will talk about their own dairy, beef, sheep and ...

  8. The best data of the year is coming in now

    don’t forget about your own strip trials.  The key is the average not the total yield from each ...

  9. 1970's

    youth from other organizations, they have had their lives enriched through learning about Ohio's ... share the news about 4-H with others.     Theodore Spears, Senior At age eight, Theodore Spears joined ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-02

    needs to be kept free of weeds until it develops a crop canopy, or until it’s about 20 inches tall.  The ... not adequately control weeds.  We know just enough to be dangerous about these programs so enough ... followed by POST, keep in mind that the residual has to prevent weed emergence through about 20-inch corn. ...
