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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Olympic Moving Average and Price Protection

    low prices experienced by the U.S. crop sector. Thursday, May 31, 2012 Zulauf- Olympic Moving ...

  2. New sustainability undergraduate major coming this fall

    fall. To read about the Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability (EEDS) major, click here.  ...

  3. CFAES Welcomes New Alumni

    commencement-related instructions, guests heard about the importance of staying connected to the university and the ...

  4. A Career Rooted in Agriculture, Communication and Leadership

     FarmHouse, among other student groups. Sharp also learned about different cultures through  Study Abroad ...

  5. Students Gain Business Experience Through Simulation

    other teams,” said Megan Phyillaier. ““It’s fun but stressful when you think about the amount of money ...

  6. Northeast Ohio Winter Grape School

    Wine grape growers can learn how about to manage a winged pest that can have a damaging impact on ... Jefferson, Ohio 44047. For more information about the event, including registration, contact Marrison at  ...

  7. Market & Policy Watch 2012

    In this edition of Market & Policy Watch 2012, I will review a couple of trends in U.S. milk ...

  8. Agribusiness Club Honors Professor Zulauf and Outstanding Students at Annual Banquet

    scholarship in the department and Club members take a yearly trip within the U.S. to tour agribusiness ...

  9. USDA Launches New Dairy Decision Tool that Ohio State Economist Helped Develop

    College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm ... enrollment began Sept. 2. With the passage of the most recent farm bill, the U.S. federal dairy farm safety ...

  10. In Memoriam: Elmer Baumer, AEDE Professor Emeritus

    his full obituary, including a nice story about his determination as a student, please click here. ...
