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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Early postemergence plus residual in soybeans and other weed issues

    It’s possible to find just about everything in this year’s weed control situation – cover crops ... about the possibility of early POST application of residual herbicides in soybeans, where it was not ...

  2. Small Ruminant Parasite Management and FAMACHA Training

    learn about small ruminant parasite biology, lifecycle, how chemical resistance is acquired and parasite ...

  3. MSU Enrichment Summer Program

    building a knowledge base about the husbandry and management of various animal species including food and ...

  4. Livestock Judging Camp 2016

    the younger generations. The goal is to get kids excited about agriculture, by teaching them in a fun, ...

  5. Buying LibertyLink soybean seed for next year?...Things to know

    avoid potential problems.   Some things to consider as you make seed-buying decisions and think about ... applications – the first when ragweed is 4 to 10 inches tall, and the second about three weeks later.  Unless ...

  6. Dairy Genetics Service Intern

    essential. While the attachment about the position lists the deadline as November 30, applications submitted ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-14

    Boot Wet Weather, Should You Be Concerned About Nitrogen Loss? Staging Vegetative Growth in Corn ... cereal leaf beetle, we also getting reports about a green-yellowish caterpillar.  The concern is that ... the spikelets.   Wet Weather, Should You Be Concerned About Nitrogen Loss? The wet weather continues ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-22

    provide updates, especially if counts increase significantly. As you check your fields, please let us know ... soil or on the roots. Rootworm larvae are white, about 1/2 inch in length when full grown with a brown ... meet crop needs. Average water use by a corn crop during pollination and early grain fill is about 1/3 ...

  9. In the News

    Monique Pairis-Garcia. Degree was long time coming for former veterinarian. article about ...

  10. Rethinking Gramoxone at a Reduced Price

    poisoning, and changes to the formulation over the years have resulted in a generally safer product. The US ...
