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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. AEDE 2014 Alumni Awards Reception

    Environmental Sciences.  Learn more about this year's award winners.  AEDE recipients are as follows: ...

  2. Farm Science Review

    Molly Caren Agricultural Center near London, Ohio. Learn more  about the many roles that AEDE faculty, ...

  3. Letter from Tim Haab, AEDE Department Chair

    a new year always reminds us, time marches on, and new opportunities arise. Over the coming months the ...

  4. Communiqué February 18, 2015

    waiting for information about how Congress will handle President Obama’s proposed budget. The budget, ... Hancock and Fayette counties involved 14- to 30-year-old residents in a conversation about their current ... the Extension Reconsidered initiative led by Imagining America. To learn more about the most recent ...

  5. Green Energy and Jobs

    talks about "green" policies and their relation to job growth. C. William Swank Program in ...

  6. Ohio Perspectives-Maps

    determined by analyzing commuting data from the 2000 U.S. Census. First, the average commute time was ... per housing unit. The U.S. Census Bureau’s definition of urban land was used to guide the definition ... of these population density thresholds. Urban land, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau, includes ...

  7. Dale A. Seiberling Receives Ohio State Alumni Award

    a 2013 CFAES Office of Development press release about Seiberling and his major contributions to our ...

  8. Communication and Conflict Management Workshop

    impact on how fulfilled we feel about our work, the quality of work, and the quality of work from our ...

  9. Impacts of Climate Change on Forest Product Markets: Implications for North American Producers

    ecological models suggest that climate become dryer in the U.S. South. Brent Sohngen Working paper Saturday, ...

  10. Addressing Water Quality in Agriculture: Institutional Aspects and Prospects

    institutional history of agricultural water quality management in the U.S. has emphasized mandatory measures for ...
