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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. CD Weekly Wire- January 14, 2013

    posts since late 2010 have discussed funding. Every post mentions dates. Funding keeps us in business ... and you employed. Dates keep us on time and in the places we need to be when we need to be in them. ... to Cynthia Leis, who joined us on January 7 as the CD Educator in Van Wert County. Prior to ...

  2. PetPALS CGC #4

    about turn, with at least one stop in between and one at the end. The evaluator directs the handler by ...

  3. On-Farm Solar Lunch-n-Learn

    to learn about on-farm solar energy development. The program is being held on Thursday, September 4, ...

  4. PetPALS Preparing Pets

    will provide information about what the 4-H members must know and do to make sure their pets are in ...

  5. CD Weekly Wire- November 5, 2012

    AD Update: Supporting Extension CD Programs About a month ago The Ohio State University officially ... be tapped, only the interest they generate can be used to support CD programs (currently about $1250 ... have questions about fund numbers, please contact Sandy (614-292-6232 or ...

  6. CFAES Staff Advisory Council honors four

    ATI's Business Office. Our congratulations to all four winners. For details about SAC, click here.   ...

  7. Computer Classes- Introduction to Excel

    class where students will identify spreadsheet components, learn about different data types, enter data, ...

  8. Computer Classes- Introduction to Excel

    class where students will identify spreadsheet components, learn about different data types, enter data, ...

  9. Engineering plants to help replace oil

    million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. The grant, awarded by DOE's Advanced Research Projects ...

  10. Limes Leads OSU Livestock Judging Team with First Top Ten at Stockman

    executes to their potential, the next two contests will be very rewarding.” For more information about the ...
