CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. How Can My Agency Partner with EFNEP?

    questions, and talk about a partnership. We can schedule a time to visit your agency/community site for ... a short presentation about the program and/or market the program to clientele.  If you are not part of an ... appreciation for the program and explained that since learning about food labels, she has seen more students ...

  2. Columbus Local Foods Week August 9-15, 2015

    a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Livingston Park, 732 E. Livingston Ave. Look for us in the Kids Area of the African ...

  3. TWEL Evan Wilson Thesis

    only inform management decisions on how to handle conflicts, but educating the public about causes of ... knowledge about the factors which regulate coyote populations in urban areas, increasing our ability to ...

  4. Internship Forum

    be presenting. Come learn more about their experiences all around the globe and find out how YOU can ...

  5. SENR Graduate School Info Session

    about their own experiences applying to graduate school and living as a graduate student. See formal ...

  6. ‘We’re Downright Obsessive’ About Energy Efficiency. Hear How You Can Be, Too

    event is open to both members of the network and the public. Registration is $10, includes breakfast and ...

  7. Northwest Ohio Woodland Workshop

    woodland they own.  Learn about the importance of tree diversity, test your tree id skills and learn about ...

  8. Weighing the Harvest

    setting and grant writing. Learn about an online tool from a New York based group called Farming Concrete ...

  9. Thank You!

    a launching pad to our next destination, we look forward to your continued engagement with us. Regardless of ...

  10. Interdisciplinary Approaches and Energy Research

    Public Policy with a joint appointment in engineering. Dr. Schuitema holds a joint appointment in ...
