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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Farm Office Live Winter Series

    a.m.  Join us to hear from the Farm Office team of farm management and agricultural law experts for ...

  2. Greene County Cattlemen's Association Meeting & BQA

    Join us for the Greene County Cattlemen's Association meeting (updates and voting), followed ...

  3. Program to discuss leveraging the bioenergy potential of manure

    will also hear about scalability and prospects for climate-smart agricultural practices that provide ...

  4. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass

    grass. Identification Leaves — Leaves are flat, pale green, asymmetrically lance-shaped, and about 1–3 ... control is achieved and to detect re-infestation. Herbicides are approved for specific uses by the U.S ... time of publication. Because pesticide labeling can change at any time, you should verify that ...

  5. Coffee and Grain Marketing with Dr. Seungki Lee

    “These early morning webinars will be a great way for Ohio farmers to learn more about the factors ...

  6. Coffee and Grain Marketing with Dr. Seungki Lee

    “These early morning webinars will be a great way for Ohio farmers to learn more about the factors ...

  7. Coffee and Grain Marketing with Dr. Seungki Lee

    “These early morning webinars will be a great way for Ohio farmers to learn more about the factors ...

  8. Coffee and Grain Marketing with Dr. Seungki Lee

    “These early morning webinars will be a great way for Ohio farmers to learn more about the factors ...

  9. Youth Nutrition and Wellness: Carol Smathers

    University; MS in Education from Western Oregon University; Master of Public Health (MPH) from The Ohio State ... University Professional Background Research manager, Prevention Research Center, Ohio State College of Public ... School, public health strategies including policy, system, and environment change, obesity prevention, ...

  10. Construction students get high-level training from Ohio CAT at the Digital Earthworks Sandbox

    Center, fulfilling The Ohio State University’s vision of being the 'model 21st-century public, land ... learning about grade control and safety in the process.  Each student was instructed by Ohio CAT Inside ... continue to expand and provide additional out-of-classroom opportunities for our students.  "Any of us ...
