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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Sowon Kim

    Real Estate Economics Urban and Regional Economics Rural Economics Public Economics Mark Partridge ...

  2. Greene County Cattlemen's Association Meeting & BQA

    Join us for the Greene County Cattlemen's Association meeting (updates and voting), followed ...

  3. Program to discuss leveraging the bioenergy potential of manure

    will also hear about scalability and prospects for climate-smart agricultural practices that provide ...

  4. Ask These Questions, Then Find The Path To Reach Set Goals

    The new year is upon us.  As I reflect on the many opportunities of 2024, I was blessed to travel ... with joy towards the new year. As we think about work, what is it that you are passionately working ... members, what is the priority you would like to commit to?  They talked about how if others will hold you ...

  5. Navigating uncertainty in 2025: Ohio State agricultural economists offer outlook for Ohio’s ag industry

    Coverage (PLC) and Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC-CO), and concerns about the impact of future trade and ... challenges, Sheldon remains optimistic about the potential for Ohio’s farmers to find opportunities through ... 2025, providing crucial insights about key topics such as commodity prices, farm income projections, and ...

  6. 4-H Horse Quiz Bowl

    Join us for a gameshow syle knowledge game that is open to all 4-H members, regardless of age and ...

  7. Collaboration between CFAES Horticulture and Crop Science Professor Laura Lindsey, International Intern Program (TOP) and farmer Tom Hamilton Pays Dividends

    this by matching young people seeking training in crop and animal production with US ... is Ohio-based, but it places people from around the world in internships across the US and in several ...

  8. Livestock and Cold Temperatures- Pay Attention to the 'Real Feel'

    changes to help their animals through those tough days.  Livestock usually eat about 2.5% of their body ... about 1%.  So, in addition to providing more feed, you should provide better quality feed as well.  In ... the University of Kentucky who will talk about beef cattle marketing and Dr. Carl Zulauf who will ...

  9. Federal Order Addresses Livestock Influenza

    new federal order outlines plans to eradicate the virus from the US dairy herd.  The USDA has ... to public health For consumers of dairy products, there is no risk to public health through our milk ... done) that no active virus was found.  Consumers can be confident that there is no public health risk ...

  10. Yunan Zhu

    Administration Building Regional Economics Urban Economics Public Economics- Any- Journal article Book/book ...
