CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Flex Your Leadership Style online  or 614-292-3114. Requests made 10 days prior to the event will generally allow us to provide ...

  2. CFAES DEI Speaker Series

    public. Please save the dates so you can join us for all events! All sessions except our special events on ... descriptions, speaker bios, and registration links. To receive direct communications about upcoming DEI ...

  3. (Speaker Series) Cultivating Understanding: Engaging with Opposing Views in Agricultural Discussions

    of us can find ourselves in the center of controversy whether it’s from anonymous trolls online or in ... inside agriculture and from ag to the general public. She focuses on public speaking, training and ... gap. Her podcast.  Grounded by the Farm,  shares stories about producing food visiting farms and ...

  4. Notice of Nondiscrimination

    accordance with U.S. civil rights laws and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cathann A. Kress, PhD, Vice ...

  5. Alumni Resources

    community leaders about a variety of topics, including salary negotiation, work-life balance, and personal ...

  6. Ways to Give

    gifts help us to shape food, agricultural and environmental policies. Furthermore they allow us to ... equipment, fellowships or faculty positions, special events, and/or programs for public education and ... recognized via the annual report or other publications, invitations to special events, and commemorative ...

  7. Workshops

    prior to the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make ...

  8. Workshop: The Gift of Accountability: How to Respond When Someone Calls You In/Out for Causing Harm

    to let us know what we did that caused harm and why. This is an act of generosity and creates an ... yourself when you make mistakes. Navigate difficult conversations about other topics. Click here to ...

  9. Workshop: Implicit Associations, Insidious Assumptions: Unintended Manifestations of Bias in Everyday Life

    public, please click here see schedule of open sessions. If you have valid OSU credentials, please click ...

  10. Workshop: Implicit Associations, Insidious Assumptions: Unintended Manifestations of Bias in Everyday Life

    allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet every request. ...
