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Don’t Forget About Alfalfa and Weevils While Planting
While most are worried about getting corn and soybean in during the next few weeks, the same heat ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-06
Meeting Late Winter Wheat Condition Authors: Patrick Lipps Most of the winter wheat crop was planted about ... indicated that about 900,000 acres of wheat have been planted for harvest in 2004, down by about 15% from ... with about 20 to 25 lb of N/A applied at planting rarely have any problems with low tiller numbers in ...
Harvest Delays Impact Corn Performance
breakage. In this study, yields averaged across experiments, populations and hybrids, decreased about 13% ... between the Oct. and Dec. harvest dates. Most of the yield loss, about 11%, occurred after the early-mid ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-18
Ohio. Normal rainfall is near 2 inches. About 20% of the state saw above normal rainfall in June, 30% of ... the state saw normal rainfall and about 50% of the state saw below normal rainfall so far in June. ... to our west or come over us. Overall most places will see rain but it will vary widely. Weather for ...
Nitrogen Application to Soybean
question keeps popping up. “What about nitrogen application to soybean?” Yes, soybean plants have high ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-20
highs in the 80s and lows in the 60s with about an inch of rain typically. Most places will see limited ... According to the U.S. Drought Monitor,MW, most of Ohio is ... R2 or the "blister" stage of kernel development). This usually occurs about 1 1/2 weeks ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-27
first identified in the US. This fungus will colonize the roots and cause a root rot, which leads to ... program in the US, their results for each year are posted A very good piece on ... “Zipper Ears” in Corn During the past week, I’ve heard several comments about corn with unfilled tips. In ...
your neighbors thinking about GMO’s?, What does the new “Phosphorus” law mean to your business?, Have ...
Wheat Approaching Critical Heading and Flowering Growth Stages
week. This is the time to begin thinking about head scab and its management with fungicide. Heads are ...
make about other people. It can also go far in helping to predict how a person will react to a specific ...