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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Western Agronomy Field Day is July 16

    learn from state specialists about a range of topics designed to help them understand what their crops ... inform and educate farmers about the agricultural research advances made in the past year at the Western ...

  2. Urban Coyotes Are Thriving, Mostly Not a Threat

    urban landscape called Chicago. Gehrt talks about the growing number of urban coyotes, the risk they may ...


    at about 8:30 PM.  Admission is free!  Click here to register. Sponsors include OSU School of ...

  4. Previous Presentations

    fish-centered food webs along an urban-rural gradient in a Midwest U.S. river system. Society for Freshwater ... Providing the essential foundation: learning about forest ecosystems in the field as the basis for their ... and Todd F. Hutchinson (US Forest Service).  The role of within-treatment habitat gradients in ...

  5. SENR to Partner on New Sustainability Learning Community with OSU Housing

    learn about best practices for sustainable living and have opportunities to explore how sustainability ...

  6. Climate, Geography, and the Origins of Economic and Political Institutions

    p.m. Thursday (11/16) about "Climate, Geography, and the Origins of Economic and Political ...

  7. We're the Ones Who Research

    the  MarineGEO  initiative, a global Smithsonian program to learn about marine ecosystems. His team ...

  8. Full List of 2015 Publications

    Publications by members of SENR in 2015 Ahsan, Shamim, Ali Mursheda K, and Islam Rafiq. 2015.  ... E-Waste trading impact on public health and cosystem Services in Developing Countries. International ... environmental quality in the U.S. from 1995 to 2004 Social Science Research 53:375-390. Aziz, I., N. Bangash, T. ...

  9. What Every Job Candidate Needs to Know

    for...learn more about resumes here. Arrive for an in person interview at least 15 minutes early. For a phone ... learning more about the remediation projects your company is working on in the Central Ohio area.  The more ... I heard about the work being done by your firm, the more excited I became to relate my experiences to ...

  10. Sustainable Agriculture Minor

    sustainable agriculture.  The two required courses challenge the student to think synthetically about the ...
