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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. SENR Offers Engaging Programs During May Session and Summer

    “Certainties, Uncertainties, and Truth about Polar Bears and Global Warming, and What It Means to You.”  The ...

  2. Reflections on Biking To Work

    laughs Alia. “I had to get fenders put on my bike.” Alia spent a lot of time thinking about the benefits ... the way you live,” says Dietsch. “I go to the grocery store about twice a week, which is great for ... college, but went car-free three years ago when she started graduate work at Ohio State.  About biking to ...

  3. Campus Campaign 2016: Connecting the dots!

    educate visitors about plants that grow on Ohio’s prairies. The Welcome and Education Center at the ... Department of Horticulture and Crop Science. “Dr. Bennett was passionate about teaching, research and Ohio ... the private, public or non-profit sectors. EEDS is one of the first sustainability academic programs ...

  4. Kelly Claborn's Graduate Defense Seminar

    metric is based on feedback from residents about what is important for a fulfilling life and how they ...

  5. Jed Brensinger's Graduate Defense Seminar

    more concerned about the fate of the natural world. My research extends this hypothesis in examining ...

  6. Subjectivity in Expert Decision Making: Risk Assessment, Acceptability, and Cognitive Biases affecting Endangered Species Act Listing Judgments for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Grizzly Bear

    Kottman Hall. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was signed into U.S. law in 1973, with the purpose of ...

  7. Urban Coyotes Are Thriving, Mostly Not a Threat

    urban landscape called Chicago. Gehrt talks about the growing number of urban coyotes, the risk they may ...

  8. Feral Cats Avoid Urban Coyotes, Are Surprisingly Healthy

    at night, digging through trash and threatening pets. And both can pose a public health risk: Cats ... pressure. But they do.”   In all, the sampled cats lived about as long as the area’s coyotes, longer than ...

  9. Ohio Ag Hall of Fame inductees have CFAES ties

    stories about production, policy, economics and industry trends provided valuable knowledge and insight. ... to Ohio's agriculture community. For further information about sponsorship in honor of the ...

  10. American Wetlands Month & Wetlands Workshop

    High-lands Park walking path where attendants can learn about different aspects of wetland life, make fun ...
