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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. ABC Archived Resources

    State Hatcheries and Public Aquaria, Doug Sweet, ODNR (pdf) Federal Order on VHS Recognizing Common Fish ...

  2. 37th Annual American Community Garden Conference

    about submitting your proposal please email: The American Community ...

  3. Western Dairy Management Conference and Study Tour

    trip will take us to the coast, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the Muir Woods National Monument redwoods. ...

  4. Small fruit progress

    Ohio State University and several land grant universities in the U.S.   In 2016, Dr. Gary Gao and Ryan ...

  5. Results of 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl

    Bowl program is an excellent opportunity for youth to focus on learning about the broad scope of the ...

  6. Results from Ohio State Fair Dairy Cattle Skillathon

    in this educational program, about the same number as for 2004. However, less than half (44%) of the ...

  7. Annual Banquet for the Buckeye Dairy Club and the Department of Animal Sciences

    young people, his lifetime of work serving Ohio and US dairy farmers, and his promotion of the dairy ...

  8. Emeritus Profile: Fred Lendrum

    teacher in northwest Ohio, where he taught just about everything-- shop, plant growth, livestock, and ...

  9. “Fresh Market Tomato fertility – the never-ending battle against fruit physiological disorders”

    setting for accurate calibration and use.  These pocket-sized meters currently cost about $500 and are ... Trial report published by Purdue University.  This publication is a compilation of vegetable variety ...

  10. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Chicago Mercantile Exchange July futures now at about $4.43/bu, with no noticeable changes all the way to ... Table 1. Compared to its historical 6-year average of about 10¢/Mcal, NE L is still priced above average ... to 11 lb of effective NDF, so the daily cost of providing this nutrient is about $1.13/cow/day (i.e., ...
