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Small Ruminant Parasite Management and FAMACHA Training
learn about small ruminant parasite biology, lifecycle, how chemical resistance is acquired and parasite ...
MSU Enrichment Summer Program
building a knowledge base about the husbandry and management of various animal species including food and ...
Livestock Judging Camp 2016
the younger generations. The goal is to get kids excited about agriculture, by teaching them in a fun, ...
Dairy Genetics Service Intern
essential. While the attachment about the position lists the deadline as November 30, applications submitted ...
OSU Weed Science Field Day
– about 5 miles south of I-70 on SR 41. ...
U.S. Senate passes changes to federal Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act
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In the News
Monique Pairis-Garcia. Degree was long time coming for former veterinarian. article about ...
Applying Your Strengths @ Work (Online)
wondering how can you apply your strengths at work. Have you given any thought about how focusing on your ...
South Wind Stables Internship
that offers the intern the opportunity to become knowledgeable about and engaged in:- English and ...
2014 Midwest Regional Dairy Challenge
included about 60 students from 13 college dairy programs. Students worked in teams to evaluate an ...