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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Dairy Judging Team and 4-H Dairy Programming Updates World Dairy Expo The Dairy Judging Team competed on September 30 in the National Collegiate Dairy ...

  2. Heat Stress- Where Do You Start?

    as they exit the parlor. In case you are wondering about the economics, each dollar invested in cow ...

  3. Results of State 4-H and Collegiate Dairy Judging Teams

    Kelly Epperly only have high praise for the experience. Much was learned about judging, but we also ...

  4. Mideast Federal Order Hearing Held on March 7, Wooster, Ohio

    supply. But what about markets where the proportion of milk in the fluid market was small relative to milk ... the current Federal Order hearing, and the other two hearings as well, all about? This was a hearing ...

  5. Ohio 4-H has strength in (volunteer) numbers

    about 4-H projects, processes, and best practices to enhance the work of our volunteers. At the Bob ... who has volunteered for 72 years! Lists of previous award winners and information about the 2014 event ...

  6. MarketView...U.S. Dairy Outlook Brief October-December 2010

    sources of variability in your milk price. On Variability vs. Volatility We hear a great deal today about ... what is misleading about this statement is the fact that professor Nicholson is making the mistake of ...

  7. Agriculture and Natural Resources Tax Webinar and Workshop

    Farmers, farm representatives and rural landowners can learn more about the special issues with ...

  8. Maintain Grain Quality in the Bin

    (Defiance County) and Curtis Young (Van Wert County) provide information about grain bin monitoring to ...

  9. CFAES staff win 4 of 12 Ohio State Distinguished Staff Awards

    Extension" and has brought about permanent change to the city of Cleveland, a nominator wrote. "Her hard ... full details about each of them  here. ...

  10. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    matter) was calculated. This price is about $4/ton lower than last year’s and still a bargain compared to ... information about corn silage, I recommend readers look further into this issue of the Buckeye Dairy News for ...
