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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Soybean Sites Needed for Pollinator Sampling

    is okay).  The minimum field size is 500 x 500 m (about 62 acres) to be able to sample far enough ...

  2. Announcement of Spring/Summer Field Day Dates

    will want to check back for registration information along with other details about a month prior to ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-17

    varieties is greater than 175 bu/ac but the weather usually prevents us from reaching those high potential ... removed, this also provided about 5 lbs of nitrogen. The remaining 35 lbs was replaced using urea. Besides ... Ohio Farm Custom Rates, the average cost for spreading dry bulk fertilizer is about $4.50/acre. It is ...

  4. OSU Weed Science Field Day

    about 5 miles south of I-70 on SR 41. ...

  5. Scab Risk Continues to be Low but Don’t Forget about Foliar Diseases

    about 30-40 days in northern Ohio and sooner in the south. It is likely too late to treat fields that ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-28

    manure should be supplied to meet the nutritional needs of a crop. Let us examine the manure analysis ... a reduction in yield.  This brings us to soil analysis. In a system where P is rarely limiting (especially ... opportunity to talk with specialists about cover crops, spray applications, alternative energy and corn ...

  7. Cool Nights and Lots of Moisture can Equal Sclerotinia Stem Rot

     available about white mold of soybean: Soybean Disease ...

  8. More on killing corn in a replant situation

    final level of control at about 3 weeks after application.   Study 1- 2006 Liberty (32 oz):  V1-2 – 98%; ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-38

    questions about odd looking corn plants in several fields. The very wet conditions this past spring caused ... anthracnose and Gibberella stalk rots were detected as primary causes of stalk diseases, but up to about two ... Large discounts on Diplodia affected grain, as high as 50 cents per bushel, have led to questions about ...

  10. Late Fall Weed Control in Winter Wheat

    A couple of questions we received lately about burndown include: 1.  Is it possible for pre-emergence ... still underground. 2.  What about a burndown of glyphosate plus Sharpen at 2 oz/A?  It’s not possible to ...
