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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Time to Scout for Stink Bugs in Soybeans

    being grown for seed, the threshold can be dropped to two or more stink bugs. For more information about ...

  2. CFAES Faculty Seek to Broaden Ag Extension Training in Nigeria

    Professor Ogen, who added that possibly partnering with a comprehensive, land grant university in the U.S ... . like Ohio State could bring about sustainable impacts to Nigeria’s agricultural development. Such is ...

  3. Develop Written Farmland Lease Agreements

    agreement for the 2016 season.  The purpose of this article is not to talk about what that rental price is, ...  For more information about cropland leases contact the Wayne County Extension office at ...

  4. Ohio State continues collaborations with longtime partner, Punjab Agricultural University, in India

    (PAU) in Ludhiana, India enjoy a long history of collaboration dating back to 1962 when the U.S. Agency ... International Programs in Agriculture in creating PAU from the “mold” of successful U.S. land-grant ... 2012-2014. This project, which was funded by USAID and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, brought faculty ...

  5. Ag Tax Issues Workshop

    about the workshop along with an on-line registration form is available at: ...

  6. Fair Board Statement on Inclement Weather

    us so that we can provide the maximum amount of space for campers.  4H Campgrounds are higher ...

  7. Communiqué May 25, 2011

    available. The video is 35 minutes long and contains updates from Ken Martin, Garee Earnest and me about the ... been held, but the second attachment includes information about some additional upcoming STRS webinars. ... about weather emergencies affecting local offices should be sent to the All-Extension listserv. ...

  8. Soil Sampling

    in to a lab is typically about one pint of soil.  Now consider that we ask that one-pint soil sample ...

  9. Field Corn Planting Depth

    specialist Peter Thomison wrote about corn planting depth in the OSU Extension CORN newsletter.  Here is an ... about 0.75 inches below the soil surface. However, at planting depths less than 1 inch, the nodal roots ... ears and reduced yields. In a recent OSU evaluation of planting depths, grain yields were about 14% ...

  10. Soil Sampling Methods

    -strategy-precision-soil-sampling. Grid sampling should be used when there is little information available about the variation in nutrient ... maps, management history and personal field experience can provide valuable information about the ...
