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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Rapid Transition from El Nino to La Nina Continues

    Four inch soil temperatures are mostly in the 50s. We have been talking about the rapid transition away ... temperatures above normal and rainfall normal to above normal. Normal rainfall is about an inch per week. ...

  2. This Week's Weather

    rainfall. Normal highs are in the 60s and normal lows in the 40s for the most part. Normal rainfall is about ... However, as we talked about in March, we expect a late last freeze into early May this year based on years ... end of the week about April 30-May1. There is a low chance of some mixed wet snow on the northwest ...

  3. Hail injury to corn varies depending on development stage

    below), at the 15-leaf stage (or about V13) if 50% of the leaf tissue is destroyed by hail, a corn plant ...

  4. Topdressing Wheat with Liquid Swine Manure

    number is basically the ammonia nitrogen portion of the manure plus about half the organic nitrogen ... to the nitrogen amount in the urea fertilizer; typically about 100 pounds per acre. The manure was ...

  5. Slugs can’t spring, but late spring is the time to watch for them

    As planting wraps up, a reminder is in order about possible slug problems in no-till crops, ...

  6. Developing a Plan to Keep Nutrients in the Field

    farm. The information about your operation necessary to create a NMP that meets NRCS requirements is ... soil tests within the last two years and provide information about current field rotations, equipment, ...

  7. March Weather Update

    green-up conditions running about 3 weeks ahead of schedule in Ohio. This is the current look at USGS ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-28

    I’m hesitant about this late application timing. If the area will be dry – it takes 9 to 12 days from ... and this is a learning experience for all of us. Finally, there are only a few varieties that are ... also called birdsrape mustard, was first reported in Muskingum County about six to eight years ago. ...

  9. Five Things to Know about Fall Herbicide Treatments

    We discourage applications during periods of very cold weather which can occur starting about ... Thanksgiving, and also (obviously) when the ground is snow-covered. 2.  What about all of that trash, er I mean ... crop residue, on the ground after harvest- won’t that cause problems?  We have not worried about this, ...

  10. Western Bean Cutworm: Time to Scout

    distributed clusters of 5–200, but averaging about 50 per cluster, and hatch within 5–7 days (Figure 1). Eggs ...
