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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. TWEL Nancy Sundell-Turner Thesis

    metrics can aid land managers and planners that need to make rapid decisions about prioritizing land ...

  2. TWEL Dan Shustack Dissertation

    earliest dates of both nesting activity and clutch initiation were about seven to ten days earlier in urban ...

  3. TWEL Desiree Narango Thesis

    demographic consequences, little is known about the sub-lethal behavioral effects. Recent studies have ...

  4. TWEL Justin Brown Thesis

    raised concerns about the spread of disease, increased erosion, excessive noise, eutrophication of ...

  5. Concerned About Lead in Water? Here Are Steps You Can Take

    If you're concerned that your tap water might have elevated levels of lead in it, the first place to start is with your community's water system, said a water quality specialist with The Ohio State University. To read the full article, click her ...

  6. GA Resources

    online journal articles, OSU teaching handbook, individual consultation/observation Talking About ...

  7. TWEL Ian Ausprey Thesis

    bird communities, yet little is known about the demographic processes underlying these patterns. Among ...

  8. TWEL Jason Tucker Thesis

    and unregulated hunting.  About fifty years later in the 1980s, the first breeding pair was discovered ...

  9. TWEL Marja Bakermans Dissertation

    is known about the wintering and migratory ecology of these same species. My research efforts stand ...

  10. Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series

    about the nature and impact of scholarly work, and the relevance of problem-based applied research in ...
