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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Livestock Auction Message

    Dear 4-H and FFA members, We have had some calls asking about where the livestock auctions will be ...

  2. Holiday Budget

    we’ve been talking about getting a handle on our money flow, really taking a look at the money in and ... holiday spending is about 1.5 percent of your total income.  So if you make $25,000 then the suggested ... budget would be about $375. *Divide out the expenses by the number of paychecks that you have before your ...

  3. Soil and Fertilizer Field Day

    Join us for a Soils and Fertilizer Field day featuring Industry Professionals and much more. ...

  4. Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates for Corn

    on what to do about nitrogen fertilizer for corn in this difficult 2019-growing season. “The ...

  5. Late Season Wheat and Barley Disease Management

    examples of and teaching about, late season disease management, including head scab on barley and wheat.  ... is very little you can do about late-season diseases. The pre-harvest interval for some of the best ...

  6. Watch Orchardgrass Harvest Height

    forage specialists across the U.S., the number one reason for shorter stand life was low cutting ...

  7. Ohio Grain Handling and Storage Survey

    a survey about their current grain handling and storage systems. This information will be used to develop ... in the survey. If there are questions about this survey, please contact Dee Jepsen ...

  8. Corn Stalk Nitrate Test

    regarding nitrogen applications.  The Purdue University publication on end of season stalk nitrate testing ...

  9. Budgeting for Back to School

    heading back to school.   As I listen to conversations in the store, about school supply lists might ... and the choices we make. *Look at your budget and make a decision about what you can realistically ... equal amount.  Then help them make their shopping list. *Talk about wants and needs.  For example I need ...

  10. Budgeting for Back to School

    heading back to school.   As I listen to conversations in the store, about school supply lists might ... and the choices we make. *Look at your budget and make a decision about what you can realistically ... equal amount.  Then help them make their shopping list. *Talk about wants and needs.  For example I need ...
