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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Perfomance Management and Coaching

    developing the desired behaviors in others around us, but also understanding the emotions that drive those ...

  2. Training the Next Generation of Educators: A Look at AEDE’s Participation in the University’s Graduate Teaching Fellows Program

    students’ perception of teaching support within the department,” Collins explains when talking about some of ...

  3. Summer Internship Opportunities Give AEDE Students a Practical Understanding of the Agribusiness World

    enjoyed most about the internship Jepsen reflected: “So far I have enjoyed the farm visits the most. ... I have learned about economics and management to practical use. I know that I am using my summer to learn and further ...

  4. Webinar on Sept. 30 to Examine the Economics of Water Pollution Control

    environmental policy topic. To learn more about the work of the Environmental Policy Initiative, visit ...

  5. Ohio Perspectives-Maps

    determined by analyzing commuting data from the 2000 U.S. Census. First, the average commute time was ... per housing unit. The U.S. Census Bureau’s definition of urban land was used to guide the definition ... of these population density thresholds. Urban land, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau, includes ...

  6. Green Energy and Jobs

    talks about "green" policies and their relation to job growth. C. William Swank Program in ...

  7. Leading in Jeans: Millennial Unconventional Leadership in a Multi-Generational Workforce

    lack soft skills) – you may want to change the verbiage about soft skills You’ll leave the workshop ...

  8. Impacts of Climate Change on Forest Product Markets: Implications for North American Producers

    ecological models suggest that climate become dryer in the U.S. South. Brent Sohngen Working paper Saturday, ...

  9. SUSTAINS: Ohio State's Sustainability Learning Community

    presented to Cardinal Turkson; learned about climate change and ice cores; hosted multiple dinner and ... If interested in learning more about SUSTAINS or collaborating with the group, please contact Gina ...

  10. Addressing Water Quality in Agriculture: Institutional Aspects and Prospects

    institutional history of agricultural water quality management in the U.S. has emphasized mandatory measures for ...
