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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 2014 Champaign and Union Agronomy Day

    to see what factors affect yield the most. Dr. Mark Loux, OSU Weed Specialist, will talk about ... research. His graduate student, Alex Lindsey, will talk about his work on drought tolerant corn varieties. ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-35

    lagging way behind estimates for the same period last year. To date, only about 15-20% (state average) of ... the soybeans has been harvested and about 10-15% of the wheat planted. At about this same time last ... year, Ohio’s growers had already harvested about 50% of their soybeans and planted about 45% of their ...

  3. Alfalfa Risks from the Wild Weather Ride This Winter

    concerned about is ice formation on the soil surface each time we get a rain shower and it drops below ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-40

    a. Soybean Rust. Really have not had to say much about this pathogen this year.  Inoculum levels were very, ... very low in the spring thanks to a very hard winter last year in the southern US.  It was hot and dry ... for soybean rust, were talking about the Mississippi river spilling over its banks into fields that ...

  5. Ohio State University Extension Addressing Nutrient Management Issues in the State

    about how to ‘fix’ the algal blooms in Lake Erie and across Ohio. And not surprisingly, the ‘fix’ ... behavior about nutrient management, controlled drainage structures to manage water more effectively, and ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-22

    second half of July will range from 0.50 to 1.50 inches on average. Normal is about 2 inches. The ... pollination and early grain fill is about 1/3 inch per day.  It is estimated every inch of water produces ... 8 bushels/acre corn grain.  Average soybean water use is about 1/4 inch per day at flowering, full bloom, and pod ...

  7. Yield Monitor Tips for 2015 Harvest

    will bring about the importance of combine adjustments but also yield monitoring management, in ... areas but also everything in between.  The adoption of data services continues to increase across the US ...

  8. Dairy Lab Workshop

    procedures in a working dairy laboratory. Testing is centered on all dairy products. You will learn about new ...

  9. Applying Your Strengths @ Work (Online)

    wondering how can you apply your strengths at work. Have you given any thought about how focusing on your ...

  10. Early POST application of preemergence corn and soybean herbicides

    At this point there should be little concern about a lack of rain to “activate” preemergence ... about an inch tall will require the addition of glyphosate, Liberty, or other herbicide with effective ... less than about two inches tall to ensure that risk of yield loss from early weed interference is ...
