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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 2016 4-H Camp Detour Information

    Dear 4-H members and parents, We hope you're excited about 4-H Camp this week and we look ...

  2. Coming soon: This year's Wayne County Farm Tour will stop twice at ATI

    details about the new cattle facility, which was designed by renowned animal behaviorist Temple Grandin.-- ...

  3. How Do You Make A Healthier Cream Cheese That Doesn't Suck?

    Maleky’s research was recently featured in an article in Popular Science about making a healthier cream ...

  4. 4-H Clubs are Invited to Sponsor Recycling Containers at the Wayne County Fair

    placed on the container.  For more information about the types of containers and cost of sponsorship- ...

  5. Outdoor Activities Can Lead to Healthier Kids

    27-41%. ·       More than 1 in 3 children in the U.S. are overweight or obese. Minority and low-income ...

  6. IFT past presidents Dennis Heldman and John Litchfield

    presidents Dennis Heldman and John Litchfield talk about sustainability. ...

  7. Boost to brewing biogas: OARDC receives $6.5 million grant to further develop new system

    OARDC has received a $6.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. ...

  8. "Whey Go" places at DRI New Product Competition

    Pittman, Sam Ryo. To read more about the competition: ...

  9. New Government Relations, Development websites now online

    profiles of donors, and information about upcoming events and activities. If you have attended a recent ...

  10. Ohio allocates $6M to rebuild 'the core of our bioenergy and bioproducts research'

    the announcement of these funds means that a very significant funding gap has now been resolved and enables us to ...
