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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Submit a 2017 Targeting Excellence Scholarship Application

    students with an interest in agriculture. Detailed information about the application process is located at ...

  2. Undergraduate Research

    undergraduate research. Also, visit the Undergraduate Research Office funding pages to learn about more research ...

  3. High Pressure Processing and Juice

    FST Professor Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam talks about high pressure processing and juice in a recent ...

  4. It takes sweet molecule science to concoct your favorite treats like rock candy

    think about this: A whole bunch of molecular reactions had to occur to bring you that gooey goodness. ...   We know, we know — trick-or-treating is about  eating  candy. But there is science behind those ...

  5. Personal References

    with you in mind.  Develop your connections to learn about opportunities beyond the experience you may ... about your work ethics and capabilities. Your job in obtaining references is to make sure that the ...

  6. 4-H Animal Sciences Student Intern

    learn about livestock, companion, and performance animals by preparing materials to inform and challenge ...

  7. Ohio State Team Promotes Nature-based 'ECO-farming'

    demonstrates and teaches about what it calls “ECO-farming,” a new approach aimed at boosting a farm’s ...

  8. The Truth About Food- The role of Science in Public Affairs Journalism

    Advance Registration is requested. ...

  9. Buckeye Royal Showmanship Contest

    to start thinking about cows again! This year's  Buckeye Royal Showmanship Contest  presented by ...

  10. Graduate/Professional Student Recruitment Initiative

    to graduate by June 2017 Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident Demonstrate serious consideration to ...
