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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-38

    can occur and that the user assumes all risk when applied in the fall.- be cautious about application ... Herbicide labels have some general statements about not applying to wheat under stress due to weather ... hearing about a number of fields where much of the corn is nearly flat on the ground. While stalk lodging ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-34

    Drying from 25-20% requires about 45 GDDs per point of moisture. In October, we accumulate about 5-10 ... generally recommend that harvesting corn for dry grain storage should begin at about 24-25% grain moisture. ... stalk lodging or ear drop. This saves us approximately $0.12/bushel ($0.32 drying cost versus $0.44). ...

  3. Asiatic Garden Beetles Continue to be an Issue in NW Ohio

    turf and ornamental industry has dealt with these insects for some time, we have much to learn about ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-26

    ( However, time constraints (about 20 minutes per field) limited our yield assessments  to no more ... ranged from about 23,000 to 40,000 plants/A. Of the 20 fields evaluated, we encountered one field planted ... near to slightly below normal. Normal rainfall for the 2 weeks is about 1.5 inches for this time of the ...

  5. Corn Replant Tips

    points. At a yield level of 175 bushels per acre, this increase would amount to a gain of about 3.5 bu per ...

  6. ‘Making the Connection’ with a Reliable Hitch Pin

    (Iowa, 2002).” During spring planting and field work, think about how many times you install a hitch pin ...

  7. Sampling for Soybean Cyst Nematode – It’s time!

    soybeans can be planted again. SCN is picky about what it feeds and reproduces on but it does like a few ...

  8. Fungicide Applications Depend on Soybean Growth Stages and Presence of Disease

    so you would not have to worry about the added costs to your production for the fungicides – so don’t ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-23

    in the silo. Corn plants that are chopped with less than about 30% dry matter (especially less than ... matter) to cause problems. Under normal growing R-7 stage beans contain about 10% fat (whole plant) which ... If your soybeans contain much more than about 10% fat, they should be blended with other crops (corn ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-08

    are being asked about the importance of 2,4-D in preplant herbicide applications. Because of the ... National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) maintains a list of transgenic corn technologies available to US ... average, about one out of three days when field work can occur. This narrow window of opportunity further ...
