CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Community Development in Medina County

    Challenge Teens.  Youth of all ages participated in the challenges!  Lots of fun while learning about ...

  2. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership

    Are you a positive leader? Do you wonder what others think about your attitude as a leader? A ... you, it's time for an attitude check. Negativity in organizations is costing US businesses $300 ... Leaders have a choice about his/her attitude- and no matter what the situation, you have a choice to make ...

  3. Wonder Woman Wednesdays- Webinar 4- Kathy Lechman, Ph.D.

    made 10 days prior to the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university ...

  4. Instant Pot Demo

    using an Instant Pot. You will learn about different functions, features and settings of an Instant Pot, ...

  5. Instant Pot Demo

    using an Instant Pot. You will learn about different functions, features and settings of an Instant Pot, ...

  6. Join us for Health in Action

    Family Consumer Sciences Educator, Jenny Lobb, invites you to join her for Health in Action. You'll problem-solve your health challenges with the support of other participants. This no-cost workshop series provides you with the tools to live a health ...

  7. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    email containing information about joining the workshop. This workshop will be held via Zoom. The link ...

  8. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    email containing information about joining the workshop. This workshop will be held via Zoom. The link ...

  9. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    email containing information about joining the workshop. This workshop will be held via Zoom. The link ...

  10. Family and Consumer Sciences

    healthier, nutritious lifestyles. You can also learn more about all OSU Extension family and consumer ...
