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Publications 2010-2011
Chen Y., Whitehill J.G.A., Bonello P. and Poland T.M. 2011. Differential response in foliar chemistry of three ash species to emerald ash borer adult feeding. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37(1): 29-39. Chen Y., ...
Bioprocessing Research Lab- Publications
2011 Seminars
Vegetable Producers about Good Agricultural Practices and Food Safety > View presentation ...
Seminar, Steve Seybold, Research Entomologist, US Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station
Thousand Cankers Disease and Walnut Twig Beetle: A Threat to Walnut Trees that Simply Won't be Ignored. Kottman 244 (Columbus) videolinked to Fisher 121 (Wooster) ...
Ellis publications
Nita, M., Ellis, M.A., and Madden, L.V. 2012. Spatial distribution of Phomopsis cane and leaf spot symptoms in commercial vineyards in Ohio. Journal of Phytopathology 160: 26-36. Rebollar-Alviter, A., Wilson, L.L., Madden, L.V., and Ellis, M.A. 2010. A ...
Mitchell Publications
Peer Reviews and Manuscripts Burbano-Figueroa, O., Lu, G.- D., Kim, S., Chen, S., Songkumarn, P., Chen, J., Huang, C.- L., Wang, Z., Wang, G.L., and Mitchell, T. 2012. A pectin lyase enzyme from Magnaporthe oryzae functions as an effector of host defense. ...
Bonello Publications
Kleczewski Nathan M.; Herms Daniel A.; Bonello Pierluigi. 2012. Nutrient and water availability alter belowground patterns of biomass allocation, carbon partitioning, and ectomycorrhizal abundance in Betula nigra. Trees- Structure and Function 26(2): 52 ...
McSpadden Gardener publications
2012 Kim, Hyun Jung); Lee, Jin Hee; Kang, Beom Ryong; Rong, Xiaoqing; McSpadden Gardener, Brian B; Ji, Hyung Jin; Park, Chang-Seuk; Kim, Kim, Young Cheol. Draft Genome Sequence of Pantoea ananatis B1-9, a Nonpathogenic Plant Growth-Promoting Bacterium. J ...
Mitchell publications
Yangrae, C., Kwang-Hyung, K., Mauricio, L.R., Scott, D., Santopietro, G., Callihan, M., Mitchell, T.K., and C. Lawrence Identification of novel virulence factors associated with signal transduction pathways in Alternaria brassicicola. Submitted Molecular ...
Miller publications
(Since 1999) Baysal, F., Benitez, M.-S., Kleinhenz, M., Miller, S.A. and McSpadden Gardener, B.B. 2008. Field management effects on damping-off and early season vigor of crops in a transitional organic cropping system. Phytopathology 98:562-570. Aruscava ...