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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Southern Swiss Internship

    The document containing additional information about the internship was left out of the email, so you ...

  2. 2015 Ohio Sheep Day

    More information about registration, program topics, and contacts: click here. ...

  3. Red Arrow Farms Internship

    approximately 65 grass-fed Hereford/Angus cross beef animals and about a dozen bee hives. Products are sold at ...

  4. Fall Semester Welcome Back Lunch!

    All FST students, faculty and staff are invited to join us in the Parker Lobby for a welcome back ...

  5. Pets 4 Life website emerges from the classroom

    another level. They created a website as an educational tool about pet ownership for Ohio State students. ...

  6. STF- Barn Manager Listing

    us confident you can perform this job well.  A desire to provide premium customer service and respond ...

  7. Business Talk-Computer Safety

    Body Text Duane Rigsby on Business Talk for The OSU South Centers.Learning about Computer Safety ...

  8. Animal Sciences Evening of Excellence 2016

    began with the Recognition of Teams. Representatives from each team spoke about the 2015 students who ... Normand St-Pierre. Click on a name to see more about these awards.                                                   ...

  9. Buckeye Vet Exploration Day

    and learn about the veterinary profession, admissions and student life. Special Appearance by: The ...

  10. National Turkey Federation Internship

    enrolled senior with a desire to learn about and advocate for the turkey industry. Pursuit of, or degree ... November 13th.  The cover letter should answer the following two questions: (1) What interests you about ...
