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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. CD Weekly Wire- May 28, 2013

    will take us to Harrison County for a day of informative, hands-on discussion and learning about shale ... energy. The meeting begins at 9:00 with a visit with landowners (Dick and Kaye Clay), a discussion about ... events of the day are scheduled to adjourn at 3:30. For folks who are interested in learning more about ...

  2. Communication & Conflict Management

    impact on how fulfilled we feel about our work, the quality of work, and the quality of work from our ...

  3. Temple Grandin visits beef facility

    about her design and taking questions from a group of about 50 livestock students at the facility, which ...

  4. Iron Chef

      as well as at the Extension Office. Question about the Iron Chef Clinic can be directed to Laura ...

  5. CD Wire- May 15, 2012

    listed next to something you no longer offer, again let us know and we’ll get it updated. Finally, to ... be thinking about your game plan and timeline. Call Sandy or me to discuss the details and for ... ( Our annual program retreat will be held September 26-27 (location TBD- if you are interested in ...

  6. Lamb Marketing Course

    producers, High said. Participants will learn about muscle quality attributes affecting lamb, as well as the ... said. They will also learn about the links in the production chain between the producer and the consumer ...

  7. Privacy Policy

    We encourage you to talk to your student about classes, internships, leadership activities, their ... future plans, etc. However, please know that we are not at liberty to talk to you about these things on ...

  8. Alumni Board to Host Reunion

    43212 If you have any questions about the event or need to make changes to your reservation, please ...

  9. CD Weekly Wire- November 19, 2012

    want help in thinking about what of your work you might want to present, please do not hesitate to ... contact a colleague or me. Given that Pittsburgh is a no more than a few hours driving for most of us ... State University will provide tips and tools for enhancing the publication of your engaged research. To ...

  10. Growing Ohio

    Annual collaborations with more than 130 businesses in the US and abroad More and 230 scientists ...
