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Asiatic Garden Beetle: A Continuing Problem in Northern Ohio
about ½” long and a dull chestnut brown, are nocturnal and active during the summer months when they ...
Late Summer Establishment of Perennial Forages
for forage plants to develop a root system capable of overwintering. For example, at about 8 to 10 ...
"Last Chance" Fertilizer Applicator Certification Programs
It doesn’t seem very long ago that we were first getting information about SB 150, and what it ...
coming for the second half of the month around a high pressure system in the Southeast U.S. Therefore, we ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-31
Peter Thomison During the past week, I have received questions about ears of corn with unfilled tips. In ... due to a wet spring and one starts to wonder about corn and soybean harvest this fall. Are we likely ... been delayed. So should we be concerned about an early killing frost? In some geographic regions ...
Corn Silking in Some Fields
( for the week ending 7-6-14, 4% of the state’s corn was silking which is in line with the 5-year ... pollination process. Most corn hybrids tassel and silk about the same time although some variability exists ...
Ohio No-Till Field Day- August 31
Are you thinking about switching to no-till and have some questions you need answered before ... taking the leap? Maybe you‘ve been planting no-till soybeans for years and are thinking about adapting ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-15
Maturity Decisions. Purdue Univ. Cooperative Extension Service publication AY-312-W. Online at ... thinking about this within a week or so. Sampling is done using a sweep net, and taking 15 samples ... Hammond, Bruce Eisley Syngenta recently informed us that Warrior has just received a new label with ...
Western Bean Cutworm Trapping Should Begin Soon
The number of adults caught in traps give us an indication of when to scout for eggs (note: it is NOT ...
Modified Relay Intercropping in Wide Row Wheat
about pushing the planting date even further ahead than Feeks 10, possibly to Feeks 5. While there seem ... producers planting at these early dates have told us. The challenges come mostly at harvest. The soybeans ...