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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Current and Ongoing Proposal Deadlines

    States who are research scientists affiliated with a US non-profit research institution, university, ... + undergrad link added here 10/28/15 February 5, 2016 US Poultry & Egg Association Full proposals ... conducting research on topics related to the US Government's global hunger initiative-- Feed the Future. ...

  2. Choosing a milkweed species for your garden

    You have no doubt seen or heard about the declining monarch butterfly population. Home gardeners ... tuberose, butterfly weed, can grow to three feet tall but is usually about 2 feet tall in a garden. It ... a stalk up to 5 feet high but is usually about 3 feet in height. Unlike swamp milkweed, common milkweed ...

  3. Summer Experience in Equine Management

    weekend. Weekly meetings update the students about farm activities; equine, dairy, crops and research. ...

  4. Alumnus Receives Bouffault International Award

    or more of the developing areas of the world over a period of five or more years. Please join us in ...

  5. Class Honoraries

    and for more details about each of these honoraries, please go to We ...

  6. Meat Judging

    “This first contest helps us get a good picture where we are as a team and individually in preparation ...

  7. Meat Judging Team Starts Year in New Location

    (minoring in Meat Science) “This first contest helps us get a good picture where we are as a team and ...

  8. Ohio State wins Livestock Judging competition for the first time since 2004

    members were excited about their accomplishments and their ability to achieve a goal they had set for ... about the OSU Livestock Judging Team, please contact Kyle Culp at culp.1045@osu.ed or 614-292-2201. ...

  9. AFA Leaders Conference Application Assistance

    5:30-6:30pm in Ag Admin 105 to ask questions, have your essays reviewed or inquire more about the conference. ...

  10. In the News

    Ohio's Country Journal. Feat. alumni Amanda Orahood and Melinda Lee. About CFAES: Improvements set for ...
