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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Perfomance Management and Coaching

    developing the desired behaviors in others around us, but also understanding the emotions that drive those ...

  2. HCS Fall 2015 Seminar Series

    knowledge about mechanisms of biocontrol and biotic factors that are important to rhizosphere persistence. ...

  3. Leading in Jeans: Millennial Unconventional Leadership in a Multi-Generational Workforce

    lack soft skills) – you may want to change the verbiage about soft skills You’ll leave the workshop ...

  4. OARDC announces award winners at annual conference

    small grains industry. Over the last seven years, Paul has been the leader of a U.S. Department of ...

  5. About Us: HCS Seminar Series

    Horticulture and Crop Science 2015 Fall Seminar Series Chris Taylor, Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, OSU, “Characterization of Pseudomonas for biocontrol of plant-parasitic nematodes”. 244 Kottman Hall (Columbus) video-linked to  121 F ...

  6. Millennials @ Work

    to take on leadership roles. Learn about the culture and events that have shaped the Millennial ... ideas about how to manage and coach this generation of employees. Beth Flynn is facilitating this ...

  7. Communication and Conflict Management

    impact on how fulfilled we feel about our work, the quality of work, and the quality of work from our ...

  8. Beck and Fisher recognized for generosity and service

    is a former member of Ohio State’s Board of Trustees, where he engaged in critical dialogue about the ...

  9. I am Woman- Watch me Lead

    men.   The good news is that rather than complaining about the uneven playing field, or unspoken rules, ...

  10. Jeff Voss

    scared to death,” he said. After about a year, he found rental property with a remodeled building on West ...
