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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Graduate and Professional Student Involvement and Resource Fair

    Resource Fair. Come out to learn about all of the services, programs and opportunities for grad/prof ...

  2. Yogurt may be the next go-to garlic breath remedy

    its nutritional claims,” she said. “I was more excited about the protein’s effectiveness because ...

  3. Notes On Bacterial Canker and Tomato Pith- What To Look For

    Last week we talked about bacterial leaf spot and bacterial speck on tomatoes. This week will be ... talking about bacterial canker and tomato pith necrosis commonly found on field tomatoes. The following ...

  4. Belury Appointed Food Science and Technology Chair

    are excited to have Dr. Belury continue working with us in a more permanent capacity. Please join us ...

  5. Check This Out If You Are One Who Routinely Multitasks

    So, the question is: If it really doesn’t help us, then why do we do it?  Thirty-two college students ... clean or having personal time each day may challenge us because others are involved. Step 2: Decide that ...

  6. Exploring Crop & Livestock Integration: Barriers & Benefits Field Day

    The field day will feature a panel of local farmers and conversation about strategies and approaches ...

  7. Check Out These Common Weed Invaders With A Pretty Yellow Glow

    newsletter is a publication of the Ohio State University Extension Beef Team. Contributors include members of ... as wintercress. This plant, like many other invasive plants, was introduced to the US as an ...

  8. Valerie Fronczak

    College in Nelsonville, Ohio. She's a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and spent 10 years working for ...

  9. The Ins an Outs of Feeding Baleage, Proper Fermenting

    as a backup, but the best baleage is a plan and not a rescue. A recent study conducted at the U.S ...

  10. FST Facilities Page

    patterns. OSU has one of the few academic food pilot plants in the U.S. capable of complete end-to-end ... and microbiological analyses. Additional details about various advanced food processing technologies ...
