CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Student Success Coaching

    the goal. Click this link to learn more about the GROW model of coaching.  I have ADHD, can coaching ...

  2. Women's Place Virtual Symposium

    The Women’s Place invites you to join us for the 3rd annual virtual FORWARD symposium. This year’s ... you’ll learn more about leveraging your retirement and investing and creating additional streams of ...

  3. Workshop: Inclusive and Equitable Hiring Practices for Search Committees

    in advance will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but CFAES will make every effort to ...

  4. Environmental and health scientists bite back! Managing tick and mosquito bite-based diseases in Ohio and beyond

    responses from various public agencies, including the Center for Disease Control, Ohio Departments of ... Health, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and other natural resources agencies and county health ... effectiveness of cross-sector surveillance to reduce infections. Medical and public health leaders, including ...

  5. Silent Spring Revolution: John F. Kennedy, Rachel Carson, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and the Great Environmental Awakening

    acclaimed presidential historian Douglas Brinkley will talk about his new book, which chronicles the rise of ... nuclear fallout a public health menace, but entire ecosystems were contaminated with radioactive ... exhaustion, Douglas Brinkley’s meticulously researched and deftly written Silent Spring Revolution reminds us ...

  6. Poison Hemlock and Wild Parsnip are Bolting and Blooming

    us from long-wave ultraviolet radiation (LWUVR) bombarding us in sunlight. Severe blistering  occurs ... and present danger to the public.  I’ve observed both poison hemlock and wild parsnip being ...

  7. Cultivating Change for LGBTQ+ Students Interested in Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

    opportunities with other LGBTQ+ agriculturists across the U.S. Students who participate in Cultivating Change at ...

  8. Leading from Wherever You Are online workshop

    Influence is a skill that allows us to reach our greatest success.  Influence allows us to make an ... event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to ...

  9. Dr. Leo Taylor, PhD

    invited to speak about issues such as transgender identities, pronouns, allyship, bystander intervention, ... anyone regardless of affiliation to CFAES or OSU. Please continue reading to learn more about Dr. Taylor. ... connected to social justice work. Leo is passionate about issues affecting people who are women, LGBTQ+, ...

  10. Art, agriculture, and advancing the relationship of Black people on land

    spaces. Dr. Bourgeois will join Jera Oliver and Adrienne Williams in a conversation about blending ... economic empowerment with Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) in mind. Join us for this free ... public event in-person at The Fawcett Center in Columbus or virtually through an EPN livestream ...
