CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. OARDC annual conference spotlights water quality

    OARDC’s 2015 annual research conference. “I’ve been talking about water for a long time,” said McPheron, ... Water is  our  oil. It is  this  generation’s oil. “When we talk about food security, we have to have ...

  2. Sigma Alpha Information Session

    Science Library and learn about our activities, philanthropy and fun events throughout the year. Contact ...

  3. 4-H Publication Website Closed for 2 Weeks

    If you haven't bought your project books from our offices or through the website yet, you will need to do so before June 14!  The website and all ordering will be shut down for 2 weeks, so don't want until the last m ...

  4. Mating Barley and Hops Farm Tour

    presentation on malting barley followed by a discussion about Ohio’s craft brewery industry as an expanding ...

  5. Jill Pfister retires after 33 years of service

    Sept. 30 after 33 years at the university and a total of 36 years of public service. Pfister is known ...

  6. Gift and Planned Giving Appointment Request

    Name(s): Street Address: City: State: Zip-Code: Phone: Alternate Phone: What would be a good time for us to ...

  7. Congratulations, Monica Giusti

    received Ohio State's 2013 Early Career Innovator of the Year Award. For details about Dr. Giusti and ...

  8. How can we recruit more Latino students in agriculture?

    this crisis. Please join us next month in beginning a dialogue on exploring ways of working together to ...

  9. Top 10 Peace Corps' List: The Ohio State University

    Corps was something Doss thought about throughout her undergraduate career. After completing her ... service, she hopes to pursue a career in the Foreign Service. “When I initially heard about the Peace Corps ... The Peace Corps works with Ohio State to host an on-campus recruiter who educates students about the ...

  10. OARDC announces award winners at annual conference

    from CFAES, Purdue University, and Ohio State's colleges of Public Health and Arts and Sciences. ...
