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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Battle for the Belt – Season 2, Episode 1: Kick-Off

    (, subscribe to our YouTube channel (, or follow us on ...

  2. Using Drones for Spray Application- Adoption Trends in US and Worldwide

    and South Korea). For example, about 2,800 unmanned helicopters were registered as of March 2016 in ... Extension and Service Center (NATESC), China had about 4,000 crop-protection drones in 2016. In 2021, more ... US agriculture. We have large fields which makes use of sprayers with huge booms reaching 120 ft in ...

  3. CFAES dean recognized in celebration of Women’s History Month

    woman in meetings or groups. I have encountered assumptions about what that might mean about my ... about who I am and prove that credibility, but I don’t focus on it, which allows me to take leaps. ... not. Mostly, love what you do. I am excited about my work. I deeply value and appreciate the people ...

  4. Assessing Forage Stands and Winter Damage

    alfalfa stand assessments the University of Wisconsin Extension has a useful publication; “Alfalfa Stand ...

  5. Effective Meeting Facilitation: Getting the Most Out of Your Group SOLD OUT

    614-292-3114. Requests made 10 days prior to the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but ...

  6. Media Advisory: 2024 CFAES Farm Bill Summit set for Feb. 23

    Sherrie R. Whalely COLUMBUS, Ohio – Curious about the impact of the Farm Bill on the food and ... U.S. Department of Agriculture Mary Kay Thatcher, senior manager of federal government and industry ... relations at Syngenta and former director of public policy at the American Farm Bureau Federation Joe ...

  7. Join OSU Extension for Monthly Cover Crops Roundtables!

    network, share ideas, and problem solve with one another about the benefits and issues that utilizing cover ... at OSU Extension Paulding County, 503 Fairground Dr., Paulding OH. For questions about these ...

  8. Farmers’ Resilience, Need for Preparation Highlighted in Aftermath of Recent Tornado

    would be nice to have one big barn and one big complex for conveniences, but this made us realize that ... the unique attributes of farm businesses.  Additionally, attendees can stay informed about climate ... educators about topics such as water and air quality, weather patterns, and their effects on agricultural ...

  9. Ohio State breaks ground on Multispecies Animal Learning Center

    going to be a place where all of us can learn more about the work of the university and our industry.” ... and this new facility is going to help us better serve the state of Ohio.” The MALC will facilitate ... opportunities to gain hands-on experience with swine, equine, poultry, cattle, sheep, and goats. The public will ...

  10. CFAES Farm Bill Summit focuses on “unprecedented times”

    really surprised any of us.” More often than not, Congress is late in the passage of Farm Bills.   But ... income individuals and families. “ A significant increase in the amount of money here is pushing us above ... declines. Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture released its most recent farm income ...
