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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Meat Judging Course

    individual who would just enjoy learning about meat. By the end of the course, students will be able to shop ...

  2. John and Marilyn Miller

    Tyler said. “He is a very big supporter of Ohio State. It was important for us to show the same support. ...

  3. 2013 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest – Program Continues to Expand

    the students and the judges spending about two hours at the farm on Friday afternoon, interviewing the ... teams spent about four hours reviewing their notes and farm records to provide a summary of the ...

  4. 2015 Publications

    2015 Publications Almeida AK, Resende KT, St-Pierre N, Silva SP, Soares DC, Fernandes MHMR, Souza ...

  5. About Us

    We study the molecular and chemical mechanisms of interaction between trees and endemic and exotic invasive fungal pathogens and insect herbivores. Emerald Ash Borer galleries in ash phloem. ...

  6. Dale A. Seiberling Receives Ohio State Alumni Award

    a 2013 CFAES Office of Development press release about Seiberling and his major contributions to our ...

  7. 2013 Publications

    2013 Publications Ahn J, Oh S, Suh Y, Moeller SJ, Lee K. 2013. Porcine G(0)/G(1) switch gene ... requirements for growth of goat kids.  77 EAAP publication No. 134 [Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition ...

  8. CFAES 60th Annual Recognition Banquet

    received a CFAES Internship Award. To read more about the event and a run-down of the awardees, visit, ...

  9. Meat Class Presents Final Projects

    representatives from industries like Cargill and phosphate companies guest lecture on occasion about how to use ...

  10. OARDC announces award winners at annual conference

    small grains industry. Over the last seven years, Paul has been the leader of a U.S. Department of ...
