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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. On-Farm Solar Lunch-n-Learn

    to learn about on-farm solar energy development. The program is being held on Thursday, September 4, ...

  2. Warning Labels and Equipment Manuals can Help Reduce Injuries

    significantly reduce the potential for injuries. For more information about OSU Ag Safety visit ...

  3. Faculty member's book explores bratwurst, buckeyes and more

    program, has written a book about the food traditions of northwest Ohio entitled A Culinary History of the ... writes about the myriad uses of food as a community identifier and a mode of communication. He has ...

  4. Farm Safety Day Camps

    Farm safety day camps provide youth an opportunity to learn about agricultural hazards and injury ... prevention. The mission of the camp program is to teach youth about rural dangers; however the campers do not ... a state program that educates youth about farm dangers. To date, approximately 18,100 Ohio youth have ...

  5. Computer Classes- Introduction to Excel

    class where students will identify spreadsheet components, learn about different data types, enter data, ...

  6. Computer Classes- Introduction to Excel

    class where students will identify spreadsheet components, learn about different data types, enter data, ...

  7. Educational Videos

    provides information about the operation of Montana's first methane digester for a dairy operation. ...

  8. CD Weekly Wire- November 5, 2012

    AD Update: Supporting Extension CD Programs About a month ago The Ohio State University officially ... be tapped, only the interest they generate can be used to support CD programs (currently about $1250 ... have questions about fund numbers, please contact Sandy (614-292-6232 or ...

  9. Slips, Trips, and Falls

    view.- Stay alert to items projecting from buildings or equipment. For more information about the OSU Ag ...

  10. Renewable Energy as a Business Retention & Expansion Tool

    This presentation will teach businesses about net metering and how some Ohio businesses are ...
