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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Lydia Hartzler- Agricultural Systems Management Student

    knowledge about the equipment and parts that I deal with on a day-to-day basis.  I was also able to take ...

  2. Ohio State Ranks Near Top on Peace Corps' 2014 Top Schools List

    Agriculture to host an on-campus recruiter to provide information about applying for service and to share his ...

  3. Communiqué December 11, 2013

    a variety of other Extension professionals about their career experiences. Drs. Charles W. Lifer, Linda M. ... county is encouraged to think about events you can have at the local level. You can involve your advisory ... cancellations. Information will also be available at and 247-7777. If you have a question about how ...

  4. Planting Small Grains in Late Summer and Autumn for Supplemental Forage

    Ohio, but it's a challenge because the small grains dry about half as fast as grass hay. Ryegrasses ...

  5. Milk Production Growth Slows- What's Up for Milk Prices?

    weeks in the CME cheese market is an indication that the run-up has made its course and this is about as ...

  6. One Health Conference: An update for public health officials, veterinarians, and Extension professionals

    The flier (attached) and agenda are posted on the website at ...

  7. Feeding Newborn Calves to Thrive in Cold Weather

    half a gallon of liquid and if it is filled with fresh milk, it would deliver about a half pound of dry ...

  8. Communiqué March 1, 2012

    to send a message to the RIV team. To help keep us in the loop, please copy Ken Martin ... a continental breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. To learn more about the symposium, speakers and ...

  9. Section II: Externally Funded Projects (Grants and Contracts)

    believes information about an employee's salary is personal information and whenever possible, average ... a public institution, the extent to which the employee and the university can comply with the terms of the ...

  10. MFCs- Basic Information

    However, long-term use of these conventional fuels has led to public concerns over resource depletion, ...
