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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Collaborative Graduate Research Highlights in Soil, Water and Bioenergy Resources Program

    to learn more about newly developed lab and field research techniques. That work experience he ...

  2. Lamb Marketing Course

    producers, High said. Participants will learn about muscle quality attributes affecting lamb, as well as the ... said. They will also learn about the links in the production chain between the producer and the consumer ...

  3. Scout for Potato Leaf Hopper in Alfalfa

    PLH adults from that field may now move into your new regrowth.        For more information about ... office at 330-264-8722.  More information about potato leafhopper scouting and thresholds in alfalfa can ...

  4. Ohio State University Direct Agricultural Marketing Team

    and Meet the Buyers.   You can learn more about the Direct Agricultural Marketing Team at: ...

  5. Late Summer Perennial Forage Seeding

    develop a root system capable of overwintering.   For example, at about 8 to 10 weeks after emergence ... Extension office at 330-264-8722 for more information about forage establishment. ...

  6. Junior Leaders Meeting

    teens to get together and learn more about leadership and participate in team-building games and ...

  7. OSU Collegiate 4H

    219 Hi Mr. Fowler, I was told to contact you about room reservations in Ag Engineering; I am from ...

  8. OSU Collegiate 4H

    219 Hi Mr. Fowler, I was told to contact you about room reservations in Ag Engineering; I am from ...

  9. OSU Collegiate 4H

    219 Hi Mr. Fowler, I was told to contact you about room reservations in Ag Engineering; I am from ...

  10. OSU Collegiate 4H

    219 Hi Mr. Fowler, I was told to contact you about room reservations in Ag Engineering; I am from ...
