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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-12

    DIFFERENT. With the development of the crop about two to three week ahead of what is considered to be normal ... fields most likely to sustain yield loss. One percent severity (percent leaf area affected, i.e., about ... Scout fields by pulling about 50 individual tillers randomly from throughout the field and look for the ...

  2. Pollination Underway in April Planted Corn

    and silk about the same time although some variability exists among hybrids and environments. On ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-21

    about options for POST control.  There is not a lot of good news here unless the field is planted with ... as of July 5 (see our updated map at  Interestingly, this is about ... that migrate from northern areas, conditions are beginning to occur that might provide us with larger ...

  4. Weather Outlook

    drier than normal. Normal rainfall is about 0.75 inches per week in August. As we go into the end of the ...

  5. Ohio State iAGRI Graduate Curbing the Devastating Effects of Rice Blast Disease

    Research Initiative (iAGRI)- a major Feed the Future project funded by the U.S Agency for International ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-11

    rainfall totals will be generally 0.25 inches or less.  Normal rainfall is about an inch per week. The week ... us out of fields until early June in some cases.  This year will hopefully not be a repeat of 2011 to ... Feekes 6, the first node is visible at the base of the stem, about an inch or so above the soil line; at ...

  7. Agricultural Conservation, Protecting Water: Keeping Soil and Nutrients in the Field

    and Hardin County Extension Educator Mark Badertscher will discuss common myths about choosing ... see aerial images of the plot treatments and find out about use of a handheld crop sensor in the Corn ... demonstrate minimal disturbance and the placement of fertilizer within the soil.  McDorman will talk about the ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-37

    about stalk rot and lodging problems in corn.  When stalk rot occurs late in the season as it often ... Extension-Fayette County 1415 US Rt 22 SW, Washington Courthouse, OH 2/27/2014  Ohio State University Extension- ... training, education, and outreach to pesticide applicators about the safe, proper, and legal use of ...

  9. Insect Pests we’re Watching Now

    about in field crops.  They will often show up in field borders first as they move in from other ... percentages refer to whole-plant defoliation, not just a few leaves.  A word to the wise about treating for ...

  10. Brown Pods, Green Stems

    Last week, we received a few comments about soybeans having mature pods, but the stems remaining ...
