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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. OSU Extension names new impact areas

    brings science-based information to the process of making decisions about food and the way it is ...

  2. Campus Campaign 2016: Connecting the dots!

    educate visitors about plants that grow on Ohio’s prairies. The Welcome and Education Center at the ... Department of Horticulture and Crop Science. “Dr. Bennett was passionate about teaching, research and Ohio ... the private, public or non-profit sectors. EEDS is one of the first sustainability academic programs ...

  3. Dairy Lab Workshop

    procedures in a working dairy laboratory. Testing is centered on all dairy products. You will learn about new ...

  4. Grad Students at Disovery Day Plant Sale- Wooster

    They will also present information about local vegetable diseases, how to approach disease management ...

  5. Alumnus Receives Bouffault International Award

    or more of the developing areas of the world over a period of five or more years. Please join us in ...

  6. Bumper crop of jobs for ag-school graduates

    Petcare U.S. — yes, that’s part of the same company that makes M&M candies — who would help develop ... his classmates, Chris Gehret dreams about being a farmer. The past state officer for Ohio Future ...

  7. Current and Ongoing Proposal Deadlines

    States who are research scientists affiliated with a US non-profit research institution, university, ... + undergrad link added here 10/28/15 February 5, 2016 US Poultry & Egg Association Full proposals ... conducting research on topics related to the US Government's global hunger initiative-- Feed the Future. ...

  8. Ohio Ag Hall of Fame inductees have CFAES ties

    stories about production, policy, economics and industry trends provided valuable knowledge and insight. ... to Ohio's agriculture community. For further information about sponsorship in honor of the ...

  9. Lab News

    superior quality in educational materials and programs in the category of Publications, less than 16 pages. ...

  10. Patrick Sherwood

    2010-current Publications Sherwood P. and Bonello P.  2013. Austrian pine phenolics are likely contributors to ...
