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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Intellectual Wellness

    how many of us think about Intellectual Wellness? Shannon shares, “ Intellectual wellness means ... are you curious about?  Children are naturally curious, but sometimes we lose that trait as we become ... adults.  Curiosity can help us improve intellectual wellness by motivating us to try new things and develop ...

  2. Upcoming Extension ANR Programs

    Wilson, who will talk about Ohio’s climate challenges as they relate to agriculture, Peggy Hall will give ...

  3. OSU Resources to Keep You Connected During Winter

    Winter’s impending arrival brings about an opportunity for rest and recovery and a time to reflect ... and another opportunity to better ourselves. Challenging the way we do things allows us to take ...

  4. Holiday Season Full of Family Traditions

    mealtime or travel conversations give family members time to talk about the good and the bad from the day ... and the bedtime routines we’ve established to help us wind down at the end of the day.  Those routines ...

  5. Post-Fair Life in 4-H

    about how bored we, the Ohio State University (OSU) Extension Staff must be during the fall and winter ... world the other 51 weeks of the year? Well let us take a walk-through life in 4-H. Congratulations, fair ... come together to ‘put away’ all fair supplies. Who ever thought about all the time it takes before hand ...

  6. Fly Control for Livestock Operations

    some operations, insecticidal ear tags and feed through products.  Below are links to some publications ... with more detailed information about specific fly problems, life cycles and management strategies. ...  Although some of the publications contain dairy in the title, the information is good and can apply to ...

  7. Take Advantage of Autumn and Winter Squash Varieties

    something that many of us may wonder.  I have tried several kinds, but I’m sure there are additional methods ... provides us with a good source of vitamins A, C and potassium. Choose a well- shaped squash with hard tough ... and bake at 300 degrees, for about 15 to 20 minutes or until tender. Melinda Hill is an OSU Extension ...

  8. COVID-19 brain fog: Here's how to clear your mind

    side, telling us that we “can’t do this or I’m just overwhelmed,” thus causing us to put off doing ... processing, but when it catches up, encourages us to accomplish those tasks and gives a feeling of success ...

  9. Colder Winter Requires More Heating Options for Livestock

    I wanted to touch on the topic about heat lamps because a lot of us use them in the winter to keep animals ...

  10. Money 101

    If it always seems there is more month than money, come join us to learn how to build a financial ...
