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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. The Society of Women Engineers annual career fair

    representatives and learn about internship, co-op, and career opportunities. ...

  2. Help Recruit the Next Class of Buckeyes

    being an EOFD host.  If you have any questions about being a host, feel free to contact Mike. ...

  3. Fredrick W. Ives

    "The Ohio Farm" and "Farm and Fireside." He was noted for his practical publication such ...

  4. Liz Schababerle, Ecologial Engineer Working in Alaska

    season was over, she wanted to find another adventure. She had heard about the little town of Sitka, ...

  5. Basic Soybean Agronomics

    for more information about cicada control options. Rory Lewandowski is an OSU Extension Agriculture ...

  6. Agriculture Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    information about other training session or general materials for the agriculture fertilizer certification, ...

  7. Lydia Hartzler- Agricultural Systems Management Student

    knowledge about the equipment and parts that I deal with on a day-to-day basis.  I was also able to take ...

  8. About Family and Consumer Sciences

      Ohio State University Extension's Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) serves thousands of people throughout Ohio every year. Our team of FCS professionals delivers the highest quality, research-based educational programs focused on building Healthy ...

  9. MFCs- Basic Information

    However, long-term use of these conventional fuels has led to public concerns over resource depletion, ...

  10. About (for homepage banner)

    <h3> The mission of the OCVN program is to promote awareness and citizen stewardship of Ohio&#39;s natural resources through science-based education and community service.</h3> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> ...
