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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Honors and Scholars

    activities. For more information about the benefits, eligibility and admission, visit > OSU Honors and ...

  2. Dollar spot database

    information about the repertoire of expressed genes and their expression levels in different conditions in ...

  3. New publication

    Hill, Amy L., Whitehill, Justin G. A., Opiyo, Stephen O., Phelan, P. L, and Bonello, Pierluigi (2012). Nutritional attributes of Ash (Fraxinus Spp.) outer bark and phloem and their relationships to resistance against the Emarald Ash borer. Tree Physiology ...

  4. Leadership and Trust

    employees, reliability, and identification.”  Statistics about Trust Employees who trust their senior ...

  5. Concerns About Aflatoxin in Corn

    There have been a few reports of Aspergillus ear rot in corn in some parts of Ohio (P. Paul) > C.O.R.N. Newsletter ...

  6. Nematodes

    decisions. Situation Corn is the most economically important crop in Ohio and the U.S.  In the past 20 years, ...

  7. Conflict Management for Managers, Supervisors, and Team Leaders

    impact on how fulfilled we feel about work, the quality of work, and the quality of work from our ...

  8. 3 new publications in Oct. Plant Disease issue

    Jorge David Salgado, L.V. Madden, P.A. Paul. 2014. Efficacy and Economics of Integrating In-Field and Harvesting Strategies to Manage Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat. Plant Disease 98: 1407-1421 Kelsey F. Andersen, L. Morris, R. C. Derksen, L. V. Madden, an ...

  9. McSpadden Gardener Lab- Current Projects

    is known about the ecological interactions among these organisms and how they might impact plant ...

  10. Boehm publications

    Recent scholarly publications from the Boehm Lab  Contact: Venu, R. C.; Zhang, ...
