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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Informational Meeting for the Upcoming Master Urban Farmer Program

    urban agriculture.  This will be the 3rd year the program is offered in Lucas County.    Questions about ...

  2. Growing with Gust Farms #FarmerFocusFriday

    types of produce they grow. There is a lot that Jake loves about farming but the connections to his ...

  3. Upcoming Workshops

    that will be covered include About Origin Malts, Malting Barley Agronomy and Best Practices, Specialty ...

  4. 2015 4-H Achievement Record Applications

    I will be providing information about how to fill out the Achievement Record, what the judges look for, ...

  5. Tuned In, or Tuned Out: How is Technology Affecting Your Family?

    way we interact with each other in both positive and negative ways. Many of us remember when ... Together, talks about a study that she did with parents and children regarding their opinions of technology. ... the downsides to certain technologies, I encourage you to think about your family life, and ask ...

  6. Northwest Ohio Farm to School Conference

    about 2016 Farm to School Conferences around the state please visit ...

  7. Graduation Party Prep

    The graduation season is upon us and I’m sure if you have a graduate, the list of “to-do’s” is ...

  8. Grass Tetany Prevention

    crucial metabolic functions such as the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction.  About 70% ...

  9. Central Ohio Corn Field Day

    Extension educators about the challenges they’ve faced with this year’s growing season. The event will also ... offer farmers and crop consultants a chance to learn more about corn fertility and nitrogen placement. ...

  10. Two Towns, Two Environmental Impacts

    around providing education about the emerging bioeconomy. This article was written by Bradley Collins, ...
