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C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-25
anything when the plants are totally dead. If you are really lucky and it is about a day or two after ... about as much yield in 15-inch rows as in narrow rows. For example, in 2001 six of 23 varieties in ... planting. Table 1: Varieties suitable for relay cropping Brand Variety AgriPro COKER Cooper Public Certified ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-20
is about 1/3 inch per day. Evapotranspiration rates in corn depend on temperature, humidity, wind, ... may exceed 8 inches in 4 feet of soil. This publication ... ( gives the available-water holding capacities of ten different soil types. Soils also differ as to ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-18
so that seed production is prevented. We are hearing mostly about difficulty controlling plants that ... initial POST application when plants are small – 4 to 8 inches – and then make a second application about ... and include crop oil concentrate or a methylated seed oil. Flexstar is usually about an 80% herbicide ...
Solar Energy in Agriculture
Farmers interested in installing solar energy systems can learn more about the technology and potential ...
Ponding Effects on Corn
the soil is depleted after about 48 hours in a flooded soil. Without oxygen, the plant cannot perform ... will help reduce stand loss, but the duration of protection is limited to about two weeks. The fungus ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-26
be an indication of what might be in store for us in 2011. We will report those findings during ... which corresponds to about 10 days if we accumulate at least 28 GDD daily. Based on conditions as of ... 10 accumulated about 2,575, 2,400, 2,200, and 1,920 GDD, respectively. At current accumulation rates ...
Fall Weather Outlook
than normal. Frost and freeze outlooks continues to suggest about a normal onset in the first half of ...
Rusts on Wheat and Barley: An Update
coming in today also indicate that rust is developing on barley. This has led to questions about rust ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-20
set us up for these events. I have been asked about the use of Cobra for reducing white mold. We know ... that harvest moistures are 14 to 17%, yields are about average (60-80 bu/A) and test weights are ... we have only little information about the level of vomitoxin, or DON, in the harvested grain. In ...
Ohio Farm Custom Rate Survey 2016
other year and we need your assistance in securing up-to-date information about farm custom work rates, ...