CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Employers on Campus (EOC)

    expo can reserve space to be an Employer on Campus participant. About ADM: Archer Daniels Midland ...

  2. ‘One-of-a-kind research' opportunities: President Drake visits Wooster campus

    much about other people,” said Drake, who presented Amstutz with a special framed aerial photograph of ...

  3. Come learn about the Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research & Education

    Please join the Animal Science department for an evening of food and fun and introduction to the new CFAES Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research & Education (CHAIRE). Where: Animal Science Arena, Animal Sciences Building, The Ohio State Univer ...

  4. ASM and CSM Internship Fair

    They'll tell you about the work they completed, what they liked about their internship, what they ...

  5. Aquaponics project combines learning, innovation, and community service in Honduras

    about the aquaponics project. aquaponics service Honduras Biological Engineering FABE Ohio State ...

  6. Are You Ready? Homecoming Weekend 2016 is here!

    Ohio Union. Saturday, October 1, 2016 CFAES Fallfest Tailgate The Plumb Hall Lawn Join us in our NEW ...

  7. Thirty-one students compete in CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    student researchers and judging results. Please join us in congratulating the following winners grouped by ...

  8. Czech Republic Study Abroad Info Session

    Location: 173 Mendenhall Lab   Attend an information session to learn about the Czech Republic: ...

  9. Czech Republic Study Abroad Info Session

    Location: 205 Agricultural Administration Building   Attend an information session to learn about ...

  10. Conversation with EASE Training Program (Engage, Acknowledge, Share, Earn Trust)

    S hare, E arn Trust) Every day, conversations about how our food is produced are taking place on campus, ...
