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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. What’s Limiting Soybean Yield?---Still Need Data From 185 Fields

    Ohio to provide us with yield and other agronomic data specific to their soybean production fields. ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-26

    acres and indicates that about 8% have very high levels of SCN (more than 5,000 eggs/200 cc), 6% have ... on about twenty plants (see Adult BLB population ... rootworm variant (only a concern in western Ohio), there is another possibility that we have known about ...

  3. Fall Weed Control Odds and Ends

    further spread if found.  Where plants or patches of these are encountered, think twice about just ...

  4. Planting Scabby Wheat

    has caused producers to be concerned about grain quality even in fields without high levels of scab. ... of the lot. If you can increase the test weight to about 56 lb/bu after cleaning and your germination ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-13

    2010 Wheat Scab Risk: Commentary and Scab Alert in your Pocket No Soybean Rust in Southern US Soybean ... addition to the commentaries on the scab website, the US Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative ... date, and harvest practices. No Soybean Rust in Southern US As of Friday, May 14 th, no soybean rust had ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-26

    Ohio Wheat Performance Trial: Interpreting the Results for Risk Management Warning About Saving Wheat ... still have about 3-4 weeks of watching for aphids, it appears that we might be clear of large-scale ... growers continue to become more informed about this pest. Sudden Death Syndrome and Soybean Cyst Nematode ...

  7. Fall Weather Forecast

    below normal generally <0.75 inches- normal is about an inch Runoff- low threat Frost- low to ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-05

    the earlier the N application and will decrease as we approach Feekes Growth Stage 6 (about late ... tolerant varieties that do not respond when compared in the same plot and season. This leads us to consider ... us mixed and inconsistent results in terms of yield response. Our field research in the last three ...

  9. Ohio State University Extension Addressing Nutrient Management Issues in the State

    about how to ‘fix’ the algal blooms in Lake Erie and across Ohio. And not surprisingly, the ‘fix’ ... behavior about nutrient management, controlled drainage structures to manage water more effectively, and ...

  10. Yield Monitor Tips for 2015 Harvest

    will bring about the importance of combine adjustments but also yield monitoring management, in ... areas but also everything in between.  The adoption of data services continues to increase across the US ...
